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  • 地址:上海市静安区江场三路238号8楼
  • 联系人:邵小姐
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  • FGIN-1-43FGIN143,FGIN 1 43

    产品名称: FGIN-1-43FGIN143,FGIN 1 43

    产品简介:fgin-1-43 is a potent and specific ligand for the mitochondrial dbi receptor...

    产品型号:T22783 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Ko 143BCRP,Breast cancer resistance protein,ABCG2,Ko-143,Inhibitor,Ko 143,Ko143,inhibit

    产品名称: Ko 143BCRP,Breast cancer resistance protein,ABCG2,Ko-143,Inhibitor,Ko 143,Ko143,inhibit

    产品简介:ko 143 is a selective inhibitor of atp-binding cassette sub-family g member 2 (abcg2; bcrp)...

    产品型号:TQ0186 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • GS143GS 143;GS-143

    产品名称: GS143GS 143;GS-143

    产品简介:gs143 is a selec-tive iκbα ubiquitination inhibitor with an ic50 of 5.2 μm for scfβtrcp1-mediated iκbα ubiquitylation. gs143 sup-presses nf-κb acti-va-tion and ..

    产品型号:T25465 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • P110δ-IN-1PWT-143

    产品名称: P110δ-IN-1PWT-143

    产品简介:me-401 is an effective and selective inhibitor of p110δ (ic50: 8.4 nm)...

    产品型号:T16422 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Permethrin氯菊酯;NRDC-143;Pounce;Transpermethrin;Ambush

    产品名称: Permethrin氯菊酯;NRDC-143;Pounce;Transpermethrin;Ambush

    产品简介:permethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide commonly used in the treatment of lice infestations and scabies...

    产品型号:T1332 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • PermethrinPermethrin,NRDC-143,Transpermethrin

    产品名称: PermethrinPermethrin,NRDC-143,Transpermethrin

    产品简介:permethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide commonly used in the treatment of lice infestations and scabies...

    产品型号:T1332 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • GSK 143;GSK 143GSK 143

    产品名称: GSK 143;GSK 143GSK 143

    产品简介:spleen tyrosine kinase (syk) inhibitor (pic50 = 7.5). also inhibits phosphorylated erk (pic50 = 7.1). decreases cell number and viability in chronic lymphocytic..

    产品型号:T37602 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • GSK143;GSK143GSK143

    产品名称: GSK143;GSK143GSK143

    产品简介:gsk143 is a potent orally active and highly selective inhibitor of spleen tyrosine kinase (syk) with a pic 50 of 7.5. furthermore, gsk143 effectively inhibits p..

    产品型号:T38626 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • GSK143 dihydrochloride;GSK143 dihydrochlorideGSK143 dihydrochloride

    产品名称: GSK143 dihydrochloride;GSK143 dihydrochlorideGSK143 dihydrochloride

    产品简介:gsk143 dihydrochloride is a highly selective, orally active inhibitor of spleen tyrosine kinase (syk), exhibiting a pic 50 value of 7.5. it effectively inhibits..

    产品型号:T39874 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • XVA143XVA143XVA143

    产品名称: XVA143XVA143XVA143

    产品简介:xva143, an α/β i-like allosteric antagonist, effectively blocks lfa-1 dependent firm adhesion but simultaneously increases adhesion under shear flow and rolling..

    产品型号:T40274 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • ML192;化合物ML192ML-192|||CID1434953|||CID 1434953|||ML 192|||CID-1434953;ML-192|||CID1434953|||CID 143

    产品名称: ML192;化合物ML192ML-192|||CID1434953|||CID 1434953|||ML 192|||CID-1434953;ML-192|||CID1434953|||CID 143

    产品简介:ml192 (cid1434953) is a selective gpr55 ligand antagonist. ml192 is an inhibitor that inhibits β-arrestin transport, erk1/2 phosphorylation, and pkcβii transloc..

    产品型号:T33452 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IT-143B;IT-143BIT-143B

    产品名称: IT-143B;IT-143BIT-143B

    产品简介:it-143b is a bacterial metabolite that has been found in s. iakyrus.1 it inhibits the proliferation of os-rc-2 and achn cancer cells (ic50s = 22 and 98 μm, resp..

    产品型号:T38385 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • MS143;化合物 MS143MS143

    产品名称: MS143;化合物 MS143MS143

    产品简介:ms143, a potent akt degrader (dc50=46 nm and gi50=0.8 ?m in pc3 cells), effectively induces akt degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome system in both a co..

    产品型号:T74300 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Antibacterial agent 143;化合物 Antibacterial agent 143Antibacterial agent 143

    产品名称: Antibacterial agent 143;化合物 Antibacterial agent 143Antibacterial agent 143

    产品简介:compound 5a (antibacterial agent 143) is an antibacterial agent exhibiting minimum inhibitory concentrations (mics) of 25 μg/ml against b. subtilis atcc6633 and..

    产品型号:T75172 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Anticancer agent 143;化合物 Anticancer agent 143Anticancer agent 143

    产品名称: Anticancer agent 143;化合物 Anticancer agent 143Anticancer agent 143

    产品简介:anticancer agent 143 (compound 369), a potent dual inhibitor targeting ptpn2 and ptp1b, exhibits ic50 values below 2.5 nm. it is employed in cancer research [1]..

    产品型号:T79844 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • SWTX-143;化合物 SWTX-143SWTX-143

    产品名称: SWTX-143;化合物 SWTX-143SWTX-143

    产品简介:swtx-143, a novel covalent inhibitor, specifically and irreversibly binds to the palmitoylation pocket of all four tead isoforms, inhibiting the transcriptional..

    产品型号:T81056 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • iNOS-IN-14;化合物 iNOS-IN-143-bromo-1H-indazole-7-carbonitrile;3-bromo-1H-indazole-7-carbonitrile

    产品名称: iNOS-IN-14;化合物 iNOS-IN-143-bromo-1H-indazole-7-carbonitrile;3-bromo-1H-indazole-7-carbonitrile

    产品简介:inos-in-14 (3-bromo-1h-indazole-7-carbonitrile) is a potent nitric oxide synthase (nos) inhibitor that inhibits the nadph oxidase activity of nnos...

    产品型号:T83625 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Permethrin;氯菊酯Transpermethrin|||NRDC-143|||Pounce|||Ambush;氯菊酯|||Transpermethrin|||NRDC-143|||Pounce

    产品名称: Permethrin;氯菊酯Transpermethrin|||NRDC-143|||Pounce|||Ambush;氯菊酯|||Transpermethrin|||NRDC-143|||Pounce

    产品简介:permethrin (nrdc-143) is a pyrethroid insecticide commonly used in the treatment of lice infestations and scabies...

    产品型号:T1332 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • P110δ-IN-1;化合物ME-401PWT-143;PWT-143

    产品名称: P110δ-IN-1;化合物ME-401PWT-143;PWT-143

    产品简介:p110δ-in-1 (pwt-143) is an effective and selective inhibitor of p110δ (ic50: 8.4 nm)...

    产品型号:T16422 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • GS143;化合物GS-143GS-143|||GS 143;GS-143|||GS 143

    产品名称: GS143;化合物GS-143GS-143|||GS 143;GS-143|||GS 143

    产品简介:gs143 is a selec-tive iκbα ubiquitination inhibitor with an ic50 of 5.2 μm for scfβtrcp1-mediated iκbα ubiquitylation. gs143 sup-presses nf-κb acti-va-tion and ..

    产品型号:T25465 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

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