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  • Cardanol (C15:1)Cardanol (C15:1),inhibit,Cardanol monoene,Cardanol (C-15:1),Inhibitor,Apoptosis,Card

    产品名称: Cardanol (C15:1)Cardanol (C15:1),inhibit,Cardanol monoene,Cardanol (C-15:1),Inhibitor,Apoptosis,Card

    产品简介:cardanol (c15:1), found in cashew nut shell liquid, induces mitochondria-associated apoptosis in human melanoma cells...

    产品型号:TN3594 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IL-15-IN-1

    产品名称: IL-15-IN-1

    产品简介:il-15-in-1 is a selective and potent interleukin 15 (il-15) inhibitor, inhibiting the proliferation of il-15-dependent cells (ic50: 0.8 μm)...

    产品型号:T11634 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Kif15-IN-1Kif15-IN-1

    产品名称: Kif15-IN-1Kif15-IN-1

    产品简介:kif15-in-1 is an inhibitor of the mitotic kinesin family member 15 (kif15). kif15-in-1 is used for the research of cellular proliferative diseases...

    产品型号:T15661 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • PARP10/15-IN-1;化合物 PARP10/15-IN-1PARP10/15-IN-1

    产品名称: PARP10/15-IN-1;化合物 PARP10/15-IN-1PARP10/15-IN-1

    产品简介:parp10/15-in-1 (compound 8l) is a dual parp10 and parp15 inhibitor with ic50s of 160 nm and 370 nm, respectively. it can be used in cancer research[1]...

    产品型号:T60495 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Tunicamycin 15:1 Mixture;Tunicamycin 15:1 MixtureTunicamycin 15:1 Mixture

    产品名称: Tunicamycin 15:1 Mixture;Tunicamycin 15:1 MixtureTunicamycin 15:1 Mixture

    产品简介:tunicamycin 15:1 is a mixture of tunicamycin structural isomers that contain a 15-carbon n-acyl chain with variable branching patterns. the n-acyl chain incorpo..

    产品型号:T38082 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • ALOX15-IN-1;化合物 ALOX15-IN-1ALOX15-IN-1

    产品名称: ALOX15-IN-1;化合物 ALOX15-IN-1ALOX15-IN-1

    产品简介:alox15-in-1 (compound 8b) is a selective and potent inhibitor of rabbit and human alox15 linoleate oxygenase activity, acting on the direct homologues of alox15..

    产品型号:T63075 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Kif15-IN-1;化合物 T15661Kif15-IN-1

    产品名称: Kif15-IN-1;化合物 T15661Kif15-IN-1

    产品简介:kif15-in-1, a mitotic kinesin family member 15 (kif15) inhibitor, is utilized in the study of cellular proliferative diseases...

    产品型号:T15661 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IL-15-IN-1;化合物IL-15-IN-1IL-15-IN-1

    产品名称: IL-15-IN-1;化合物IL-15-IN-1IL-15-IN-1

    产品简介:il-15-in-1 is a selective and potent interleukin 15 (il-15) inhibitor, inhibiting the proliferation of il-15-dependent cells (ic50: 0.8 μm)...

    产品型号:T11634 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Cletoquine hydrochloride;盐酸氯托喹Cletoquine hydrochloride( 4298-15-1 Free base);Cletoquine hydrochlorid

    产品名称: Cletoquine hydrochloride;盐酸氯托喹Cletoquine hydrochloride( 4298-15-1 Free base);Cletoquine hydrochlorid

    产品简介:cletoquine hydrochloride is a major active metabolite of hydroxychloroquine. cletoquine hydrochloride is a chloroquine derivative and exhibits the ability to ag..

    产品型号:T10835L1 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Ginkgolic Acid;银杏酸Romanicardic acid|||Ginkgolic acid I|||Ginkgolic acid (15:1)|||Ginkgolic acid C15:

    产品名称: Ginkgolic Acid;银杏酸Romanicardic acid|||Ginkgolic acid I|||Ginkgolic acid (15:1)|||Ginkgolic acid C15:

    产品简介:ginkgolic acid (romanicardic acid) c15:1 represses curli genes and prophage genes in ehec...

    产品型号:T6S2123 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Chst15-IN-1Chst15-IN-1Chst15-IN-1

    产品名称: Chst15-IN-1Chst15-IN-1Chst15-IN-1

    产品简介:chst15-in-1 is a powerful, reversible, covalent inhibitor of the chst15 enzyme. it effectively suppresses the sulfation levels of chondroitin sulfate-e (cs-e) a..

    产品型号:T39631 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • USP15-IN-1;化合物USP15-IN-1USP15-IN-1

    产品名称: USP15-IN-1;化合物USP15-IN-1USP15-IN-1

    产品简介:usp15-in-1 is a potent usp15 inhibitor (ic50 is 3.76 μm). usp15-in-1 showed high antiproliferative activity against non-small cell lung cancer and leukemia cell..

    产品型号:T61575 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

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