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  • 地址:上海市静安区江场三路238号8楼
  • 联系人:邵小姐
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  • CiclopiroxCiclopirox,HOE296b,

    产品名称: CiclopiroxCiclopirox,HOE296b,

    产品简介:ciclopirox exerts its action by binding to and chelating trivalent cations, such as fe3+ and al3+, thereby inhibiting the availability of essential co-factors f..

    产品型号:T1482 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • PromestrienePromestriene,3-propyl ethyl,17B-methyl estradiol

    产品名称: PromestrienePromestriene,3-propyl ethyl,17B-methyl estradiol

    产品简介:promestriene (inn) is a synthetic estrogen and glucocorticoid used topically in a 1% cream formulation. it is described as a tropic agent and antiseborrheic...

    产品型号:T1536 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Aliskiren hemifumarateAliskiren hemifumarate,CGP60536B,SPP 100

    产品名称: Aliskiren hemifumarateAliskiren hemifumarate,CGP60536B,SPP 100

    产品简介:aliskiren hemifumarate is an orally active nonpeptide renin inhibitor with antihypertensive activity...

    产品型号:T1520 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Deferoxamine MesylateDeferoxamine Mesylate,DFOM,Desferrioxamine B mesylate

    产品名称: Deferoxamine MesylateDeferoxamine Mesylate,DFOM,Desferrioxamine B mesylate

    产品简介:deferoxamine is an iron-chelating agent that binds free iron in a stable complex. it also is an inhibitor of ferroptosis...

    产品型号:T1637 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Mirk-IN-1Mirk-IN-1,Dyrk1B/A-IN-1,

    产品名称: Mirk-IN-1Mirk-IN-1,Dyrk1B/A-IN-1,

    产品简介:mirk-in-1 is an effective inhibitor of dyrk1b(mirk kianse) and dyrk1a (ic50: 68±48 nm and 22±8 nm respectively)...

    产品型号:T16078 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • BroMhexine IMpurity BBroMhexine IMpurity B

    产品名称: BroMhexine IMpurity BBroMhexine IMpurity B

    产品简介:quinolones used as mrs inhibitors and bactericides...

    产品型号:T1690 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Enalapril IMpurity BEnalapril IMpurity B,(+)-N-[1-(S)-Ethoxycarbonxyl-3-phenylpropyl]-L-alanine,

    产品名称: Enalapril IMpurity BEnalapril IMpurity B,(+)-N-[1-(S)-Ethoxycarbonxyl-3-phenylpropyl]-L-alanine,

    产品简介:enalapril impurity b is moexipril intermediate and is the main metabolite of imidapril...

    产品型号:T1689 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Azure BAzure B,Azure B chloride,

    产品名称: Azure BAzure B,Azure B chloride,

    产品简介:azure b is a cationic dye and the major metabolite of methylene blue. azure b is a selective, and reversible inhibitor of mao-a (ic50s: 11 and 968 nm for recomb..

    产品型号:T18918 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • B-AP15B-AP15,NSC 687852,

    产品名称: B-AP15B-AP15,NSC 687852,

    产品简介:b-ap15(nsc687852) is a selective inhibitor of the deubiquitinating enzymes usp14 and uchl5 of the 26s proteasome. it blocks the deubiquitinating activity of the..

    产品型号:T1932 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • B-Raf IN 1B-Raf IN 1

    产品名称: B-Raf IN 1B-Raf IN 1

    产品简介:b-raf in 1 is a b-raf (ic50: 24 nm) and c-raf (ic50: 25 nm) inhibitor...

    产品型号:T1845 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Walrycin BWalrycin B

    产品名称: Walrycin BWalrycin B

    产品简介:walrycin b is a new-type antibacterial compound targeting the walr response regulator...

    产品型号:T1832 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Pseudolaric Acid BPseudolaric Acid B

    产品名称: Pseudolaric Acid BPseudolaric Acid B

    产品简介:pseudolaric acid b, a natural diterpenoid compound, is isolated from pseudolarix kaempferi...

    产品型号:T1922 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Sulforhodamine B sodium saltSulforhodamine B sodium salt,Acid Red 52,Kiton Red 620

    产品名称: Sulforhodamine B sodium saltSulforhodamine B sodium salt,Acid Red 52,Kiton Red 620

    产品简介:sulforhodamine b sodium salt is a fluorescent dye. it can be used from laser-induced fluorescence to the quantification of cellular proteins of cultured cells...

    产品型号:T19063 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • B02B02,RAD51 Inhibitor B02,

    产品名称: B02B02,RAD51 Inhibitor B02,

    产品简介:rad51 inhibitor b02 (b02) is an inhibitor of human rad51 with an ic50 of 27.4 μm...

    产品型号:T4656 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Tyrphostin AG 528Tyrphostin AG 528,AG 528,Tyrphostin B66

    产品名称: Tyrphostin AG 528Tyrphostin AG 528,AG 528,Tyrphostin B66

    产品简介:tyrphostin ag 528 is an inhibitor of egfr (ic50: 4.9 μm) and erbb2 (ic50: 2.1 μm)...

    产品型号:T4528 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Salvianolic acid BSalvianolic acid B

    产品名称: Salvianolic acid BSalvianolic acid B

    产品简介:salvianolic acid b is an active pharmaceutical compound present in salvia miltiorrhiza, exerts a neuroprotective effect in animal models of brain and spinal cor..

    产品型号:T2727 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Edoxaban Tosylate MonohydrateEdoxaban Tosylate Monohydrate,Edoxaban,DU-176b

    产品名称: Edoxaban Tosylate MonohydrateEdoxaban Tosylate Monohydrate,Edoxaban,DU-176b

    产品简介:edoxaban(du-176) is an oral factor xa (fxa) inhibitor in clinical development for stroke prevention...

    产品型号:T2368 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • PoziotinibPoziotinib,NOV120101,HM781-36B

    产品名称: PoziotinibPoziotinib,NOV120101,HM781-36B

    产品简介:poziotinib(nov120101; hm781-36b) is an irreversible her1/2/4 inhibitor (ic50s: 3/5/23 nm)...

    产品型号:T2630 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Chicago Sky Blue 6BChicago Sky Blue 6B,Direct Blue 1,Pontamine sky blue

    产品名称: Chicago Sky Blue 6BChicago Sky Blue 6B,Direct Blue 1,Pontamine sky blue

    产品简介:chicago sky blue 6b, a vesicular glutamate transporters inhibitor, attenuates methamphetamine-induced hyperactivity and behavioral sensitization in mice...

    产品型号:T2194 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Neomycin Sulphate BNeomycin Sulphate B,Framycetin sulphate,

    产品名称: Neomycin Sulphate BNeomycin Sulphate B,Framycetin sulphate,

    产品简介:neomycin sulphate b belongs to aminoglycoside class of antibiotics that contain two or more aminosugars connected by glycosidic bonds...

    产品型号:T2096 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

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