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  • 地址:上海市静安区江场三路238号8楼
  • 联系人:邵小姐
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  • VER-49009;化合物VER-49009CCT 129397;CCT 129397

    产品名称: VER-49009;化合物VER-49009CCT 129397;CCT 129397

    产品简介:ver-49009 (cct 129397) is a potent hsp90 inhibitor(ic50 of 25 nm and kd of 78 nm)...

    产品型号:T3454 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT369260;化合物 CCT369260CCT369260

    产品名称: CCT369260;化合物 CCT369260CCT369260

    产品简介:cct369260 (compound 1), an orally active inhibitor targeting b-cell lymphoma 6 (bcl6), demonstrates anti-tumor efficacy with an ic50 value of 520 nm [1]...

    产品型号:T63503 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT196969;化合物CCT196969CCT196969

    产品名称: CCT196969;化合物CCT196969CCT196969

    产品简介:cct196969 is a novel orally available, pan-raf inhibitor with anti-src activity. it also inhibits src, lck, and the p38 mapks...

    产品型号:T4133 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT241736;化合物CCT241736CCT241736

    产品名称: CCT241736;化合物CCT241736CCT241736

    产品简介:cct241736 is an orally bioavailable dual flt3/aurora kinase inhibitor that also inhibits clinically relevant flt3-resistant mutants including flt3-itd and flt3,..

    产品型号:T4428 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT128930;化合物CCT128930CCT128930

    产品名称: CCT128930;化合物CCT128930CCT128930

    产品简介:cct128930 is a potent, atp-competitive and selective inhibitor of akt2 with ic50 of 6 nm, 28-fold greater selectivity for akt2 than the closely related pka kina..

    产品型号:T6303 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT128930 hydrochloride;化合物CCT128930 hydrochlorideCCT128930 hydrochloride(885499-61-6 Free base);CCT

    产品名称: CCT128930 hydrochloride;化合物CCT128930 hydrochlorideCCT128930 hydrochloride(885499-61-6 Free base);CCT

    产品简介:cct128930 hydrochloride (cct128930 hydrochloride) is a potent and selective inhibitor of akt with ic50 of 6 nm. cct128930 hydrochloride induces cell cycle arres..

    产品型号:T6303L 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT374705;化合物 CCT374705CCT374705

    产品名称: CCT374705;化合物 CCT374705CCT374705

    产品简介:cct374705, an orally active bcl6 inhibitor, exhibits potent antiproliferative effects in vitro and effectively inhibits tumor growth in a lymphoma xenograft mou..

    产品型号:T78177 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT367766 formic;化合物 CCT367766 formicCCT367766 formic

    产品名称: CCT367766 formic;化合物 CCT367766 formicCCT367766 formic

    产品简介:cct367766 formic is a potent third-generation heterobifunctional cereblon-based protein degradation probe (pdp, or protac) that selectively targets pirin for de..

    产品型号:T77915 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT251236;化合物 CCT251236CCT251236

    产品名称: CCT251236;化合物 CCT251236CCT251236

    产品简介:cct251236 is a cell-based phenotypic high-throughput screening (hts) chemical probe developed to screen for inhibitors of the hsf1 stress pathway.cct251236 exhi..

    产品型号:T14905 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT251455;化合物 T14906CCT251455

    产品名称: CCT251455;化合物 T14906CCT251455

    产品简介:cct251455 is an inhibitor of mitotic kinase monopolar spindle 1 (mps1; ic50: 3 nm)...

    产品型号:T14906 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT251545;化合物CCT251545CCT251545

    产品名称: CCT251545;化合物CCT251545CCT251545

    产品简介:cct251545 is an potent and oral-bioavailable wnt signaling inhibitor(ic50 of 5 nm in 7df3 cells)...

    产品型号:T14907 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT367766;化合物CCT367766CCT367766

    产品名称: CCT367766;化合物CCT367766CCT367766

    产品简介:cct367766 is a potent, protac-based, third-generation, iso-functional pirin-targeted protein degradation probe (pdp) that depletes pirin expression at low conce..

    产品型号:T14908 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT-251921;化合物CCT-251921CCT-251921

    产品名称: CCT-251921;化合物CCT-251921CCT-251921

    产品简介:cct-251921 is a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable cdk8 inhibitor (ic50: 2.3 nm)...

    产品型号:T14901 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT020312;化合物CCT020312CCT020312

    产品名称: CCT020312;化合物CCT020312CCT020312

    产品简介:cct020312 is a selective activator of eif2ak3 and perk. cct020312 durably inhibits cell proliferation and elicits the phosphorylation of eif2a...

    产品型号:T14902 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT129957;化合物CCT129957CCT129957

    产品名称: CCT129957;化合物CCT129957CCT129957

    产品简介:cct129957 is a novel and potent phospholipase c-γ (plc-γ) inhibitor with an ic50 of about 3 μm and a gc50 of 15 μm.cct129957 exhibits anticancer activity and in..

    产品型号:T14903 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT244747;化合物 T14904CCT244747

    产品名称: CCT244747;化合物 T14904CCT244747

    产品简介:cct244747 is a chk1 inhibitor (ic50: 7.7 nm) and also abrogates g2 checkpoint (ic50: 29 nm)...

    产品型号:T14904 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • VER49009;化合物VER-49009CCT0129397|||VER 49009|||VER-49009;CCT0129397|||VER 49009|||VER-49009

    产品名称: VER49009;化合物VER-49009CCT0129397|||VER 49009|||VER-49009;CCT0129397|||VER 49009|||VER-49009

    产品简介:ver49009 (cct0129397) is an effective hsp90 inhibitor(ic50 =25 nm, kd=78 nm)...

    产品型号:T2268 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • rac-CCT-250863;化合物 T28498rac-CCT-250863

    产品名称: rac-CCT-250863;化合物 T28498rac-CCT-250863

    产品简介:rac-cct-250863, a potent nek2 inhibitor, exhibits selectivity for nek2 over plk1, mps1, cdk2 and aurora a...

    产品型号:T28498 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • rac-CCT-250863 HCl;化合物rac-CCT-250863盐酸盐rac-CCT-250863 HCl(1364269-06-6 Free base);rac-CCT-250863 HCl

    产品名称: rac-CCT-250863 HCl;化合物rac-CCT-250863盐酸盐rac-CCT-250863 HCl(1364269-06-6 Free base);rac-CCT-250863 HCl

    产品简介:rac-cct-250863 hcl is a selective and reversible inhibitor of nek 2. rac-cct-250863 hcl induces cell cycle arrest and has good anti-proliferative activity again..

    产品型号:T28498L 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CCT007093;化合物CCT007093CCT007093

    产品名称: CCT007093;化合物CCT007093CCT007093

    产品简介:cct007093 is an effective ppm1d (wip1) inhibitor (ic50: 8.4 μm)...

    产品型号:T1927 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

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