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  • Ethynodiol diacetate双醋炔诺醇;8080 CB;Ethynodiol acetate

    产品名称: Ethynodiol diacetate双醋炔诺醇;8080 CB;Ethynodiol acetate

    产品简介:ethynodiol diacetate is a synthetic progestational hormone used alone or in combination with estrogens as an oral contraceptive...

    产品型号:T0996 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • D4-abirateroneD4-abiraterone,Δ4-Abiraterone,CB-7627

    产品名称: D4-abirateroneD4-abiraterone,Δ4-Abiraterone,CB-7627

    产品简介:d4-abiraterone is an inhibitor of cyp17a1, 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3βhsd) and steroid 5a-reductase (srd5a), the main metabolite of abiraterone. d4-abir..

    产品型号:T10946 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • ChloroambucilChloroambucil,WR-139013,CB-1348

    产品名称: ChloroambucilChloroambucil,WR-139013,CB-1348

    产品简介:chlorambucil is an orally-active antineoplastic aromatic nitrogen mustard. chlorambucil alkylates and cross-links dna during all phases of the cell cycle, resul..

    产品型号:T0975 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB1151CB1151

    产品名称: CB1151CB1151

    产品简介:cb1151 is a 20-epi analogue of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin d3 with anti-tumor effects. it inhibits mcf-7 cell growth (ic50: 0.82 nm)...

    产品型号:T10695 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB-6644CB-6644

    产品名称: CB-6644CB-6644

    产品简介:cb-6644 is a selective inhibitor of the ruvbl1/2 complex and blocks the atpase activity of ruvbl1/2 (ic50: 15 nm)...

    产品型号:T10693 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Glutamise-IN-1Glutamise-IN-1,Glutaminase-IN-1,CB839 derivative

    产品名称: Glutamise-IN-1Glutamise-IN-1,Glutaminase-IN-1,CB839 derivative

    产品简介:glutaminase-in-1 (cb839 derivative) shows improved cellular uptake and antitumor activity.?glutaminase-in-1 , a cb839 derivative, is an allosteric inhibitor of ..

    产品型号:T11421 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB-103CB-103

    产品名称: CB-103CB-103

    产品简介:cb-103 is a orally active inhibitor of notch signaling pathway, with anti-tumor activity...

    产品型号:T12246 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • KH-CB19KH-CB19

    产品名称: KH-CB19KH-CB19

    产品简介:kh-cb19 is an effective and highly specific inhibitor of the cdc2-like kinase isoforms 1 and 4 (clk1/clk4)...

    产品型号:T15657 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB30865CB30865,ZM 242421,

    产品名称: CB30865CB30865,ZM 242421,

    产品简介:cb30865 is a potent inhibitor of nampt, an enzyme present in the nad biosynthetic pathway...

    产品型号:T14882 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB1 antagonist 2CB1 antagonist 2

    产品名称: CB1 antagonist 2CB1 antagonist 2

    产品简介:cb1 antagonist 2 is caimabinoid 1 (cb1) antagonist extracted from patent wo2016184310a1, compound 3. which inhibits cb1 in vivo with an ic50 of 25.5 nm...

    产品型号:T14881 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB-7921220CB-7921220

    产品名称: CB-7921220CB-7921220

    产品简介:cb-7921220 is an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase...

    产品型号:T14880 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB 300919CB 300919

    产品名称: CB 300919CB 300919

    产品简介:cb 300919 is a quinazoline-based antitumour agent with high activity in the ch1 human ovarian tumour xenograft and it has a continuous exposure (96 h) growth in..

    产品型号:T14879 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • ZM 306416ZM 306416,CB 676475,

    产品名称: ZM 306416ZM 306416,CB 676475,

    产品简介:zm 306416, a vegfr1 inhibitor (ic50: 0.33 μm), can also inhibit egfr (ic50<10 nm)...

    产品型号:T1754 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CB1-IN-1CB1-IN-1,DBPR211,

    产品名称: CB1-IN-1CB1-IN-1,DBPR211,

    产品简介:cb1-in-1 is a peripherally restricted cb1r antagonist, for cb1r and cb2r with ki of 0.3 nm and 21 nm,respectively...

    产品型号:T5996 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • AbirateroneAbiraterone,CB-7598,

    产品名称: AbirateroneAbiraterone,CB-7598,

    产品简介:abiraterone (cb-7598) is an effective steroidal cytochrome p450 17alpha-hydroxylase-17,20-lyase (cyp17) inhibitor (ic50: 4 nm)...

    产品型号:T6216 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Abiraterone AcetateAbiraterone Acetate,CB7630,Zytiga

    产品名称: Abiraterone AcetateAbiraterone Acetate,CB7630,Zytiga

    产品简介:abiraterone acetate is an androstene derivative that inhibits steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase and is used as an antineoplastic agent in the treatment of metastatic..

    产品型号:T6215 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Ascorbyl nicotinate;化合物 T30155COS-CB3;COS-CB3

    产品名称: Ascorbyl nicotinate;化合物 T30155COS-CB3;COS-CB3

    产品简介:ascorbyl nicotinate is a bioactive chemical...

    产品型号:T30155 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CB 65;化合物CB 65CB 65

    产品名称: CB 65;化合物CB 65CB 65

    产品简介:cb 65 is a high affinity and selective cb2 receptor agonist with ki values of 3.3 and > 1000 nm for cb2 and cb1 receptors respectively...

    产品型号:T41230 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CB1R Allosteric modulator 2;化合物 CB1R Allosteric modulator 2CB1R Allosteric modulator 2

    产品名称: CB1R Allosteric modulator 2;化合物 CB1R Allosteric modulator 2CB1R Allosteric modulator 2

    产品简介:cb1r allosteric modulator 2 (compound 18) is a potent allosteric modulator of the cb1r receptor. it exhibits negative modulation of the functional activity of o..

    产品型号:T61276 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • CB1R Allosteric modulator 4;化合物 CB1R Allosteric modulator 4CB1R Allosteric modulator 4

    产品名称: CB1R Allosteric modulator 4;化合物 CB1R Allosteric modulator 4CB1R Allosteric modulator 4

    产品简介:cb1r allosteric modulator 4 is an effective and positive modulator of cannabinoid type-1 (cb1r), exhibiting significant biological activity. this compound inhib..

    产品型号:T61371 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

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