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  • 地址:上海市静安区江场三路238号8楼
  • 联系人:邵小姐
  • 电话:021-33632979
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  • 手机:15002134094
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  • HarmolMethylpyridoindolol;哈尔酚(骆驼蓬醇)

    产品名称: HarmolMethylpyridoindolol;哈尔酚(骆驼蓬醇)

    产品简介:harmol is a β-carboline isolated from nature...

    产品型号:T3152 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • SerabelisibINK1117;MLN1117;TAK-117

    产品名称: SerabelisibINK1117;MLN1117;TAK-117

    产品简介:mln1117 (ink1117) is a p110α/β/γ/δ inhibitor (ic50: 15/4.5/1.9/13.39 μm)...

    产品型号:T3153 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • Disperse Red 1Diacelliton Scarlet B;Fenacet Scarlet B;Neosetile Scarlet B;Celliton Red B;Celliton Sc

    产品名称: Disperse Red 1Diacelliton Scarlet B;Fenacet Scarlet B;Neosetile Scarlet B;Celliton Red B;Celliton Sc

    产品简介:disperse red 1 is an azo dye that contributes to the toxicity and pollution of wastewater...

    产品型号:T31532 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • Citral柠檬醛;alpha-Citral;Geranialdehyde;geranial

    产品名称: Citral柠檬醛;alpha-Citral;Geranialdehyde;geranial

    产品简介:citral is a clear yellow colored liquid with a lemon-like odor. less dense than water and insoluble in water. toxic by ingestion. used to make other chemicals...

    产品型号:T3154 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • SMER28

    产品名称: SMER28

    产品简介:smer28 is a small-molecule enhancer (smer) of autophagy, inducing autophagy independently of rapamycin in mammalian cells via an mtor-independent mechanism and ..

    产品型号:T3155 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • Ciliobrevin AHPI-4;Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor 4

    产品名称: Ciliobrevin AHPI-4;Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor 4

    产品简介:ciliobrevin a is an inhibitor of hedgehog signaling pathway with an ic50 <10 μm...

    产品型号:T3156 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • COH29RNR Inhibitor COH29

    产品名称: COH29RNR Inhibitor COH29

    产品简介:coh29 is an orally available, aromatically substituted thiazole and inhibitor of the human ribonucleotide reductase (rnr), with potential antineoplastic activit..

    产品型号:T3157 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • HarmaneAribine;Loturine;Harman;哈尔满碱

    产品名称: HarmaneAribine;Loturine;Harman;哈尔满碱

    产品简介:harmane is a bio-active β-carboline and monoamine oxidase inhibitor found in coffee and tobacco smoke...

    产品型号:T3158 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • DY268DY 268;DY-268

    产品名称: DY268DY 268;DY-268

    产品简介:dy-268 is a compound based on trisubstituted pyrazolamide without any fxr agonist activity and cytotoxicity and can be used as an effective fxr antagonist (ic50..

    产品型号:T31587 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • Harman hydrochloride哈尔满盐酸盐;Harmane hydrochloride(486-84-0 Free base)

    产品名称: Harman hydrochloride哈尔满盐酸盐;Harmane hydrochloride(486-84-0 Free base)

    产品简介:harman hydrochloride can directly induce cyp1a1 gene expression in an ahr-dependent manner and may represent a novel mechanism by which harman promotes mutageni..

    产品型号:T3158L 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • Guaiazulene愈创奥;愈疮奥;Eucazulen;azulon;Vetivazulen

    产品名称: Guaiazulene愈创奥;愈疮奥;Eucazulen;azulon;Vetivazulen

    产品简介:guaiazulene belongs to the class of organic compounds known as guaianes...

    产品型号:T3159 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • HUHS015

    产品名称: HUHS015

    产品简介:huhs015 is a potent pca-1/alkbh3 inhibitor...

    产品型号:T3160 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • BACE-IN-1 acetateBACE-IN-1 acetate (350228-37-4,Free base)

    产品名称: BACE-IN-1 acetateBACE-IN-1 acetate (350228-37-4,Free base)

    产品简介:β-secretase inhibitor has been used as β-site amyloid precursor protein (app) cleaving enzyme-1 (bace1) inhibitor in bace1 inhibitor assay. β-site amyloid precu..

    产品型号:T3161L 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • IDE1

    产品名称: IDE1

    产品简介:ide1 can induce definitive endoderm from embryonic stem cells. it has been shown to induce the differentiation of sox17+/foxa2+-expressing pancreatic progenitor..

    产品型号:T3162 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • PS 48

    产品名称: PS 48

    产品简介:ps 48 has been shown to be a pkb kinase (pdk1) activator (kd: 10.3 μm). this compound selectively binds to the pif-binding pocket of pkb kinase (pdk1)...

    产品型号:T3163 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • Metoprolol SuccinateSelozok;butanedioic acid;Toprol XL;Metroprolol succinate

    产品名称: Metoprolol SuccinateSelozok;butanedioic acid;Toprol XL;Metroprolol succinate

    产品简介:metoprolol succinate is a selective adrenergic beta-1 blocking agent that is commonly used to treat angina pectoris; hypertension; and cardiac arrhythmias...

    产品型号:T3165 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • VX-11eVertex-11e;TCS ERK 11e;VTX-11e

    产品名称: VX-11eVertex-11e;TCS ERK 11e;VTX-11e

    产品简介:vx-11e is a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable erk(extracellular signal-regulated kinase) inhibitor; antitumor agent...

    产品型号:T3166 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • 4-Chlorophenylhydrazine hydrochloridep-Chlorophenylhydrazine HCl;对氯苯肼盐酸盐

    产品名称: 4-Chlorophenylhydrazine hydrochloridep-Chlorophenylhydrazine HCl;对氯苯肼盐酸盐

    产品简介:4-chlorophenylhydrazine hydrochloride is used as a pharmaceutical intermediate...

    产品型号:T3167 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • EsaprazoleC/63

    产品名称: EsaprazoleC/63

    产品简介:esaprazole has a dose - dependent cellular protective effect on the human gastric mucosa...

    产品型号:T31675 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

  • MN-64MN 64;MN64

    产品名称: MN-64MN 64;MN64

    产品简介:mn-64 is a tankyrases inhibitor, showed 6 nm potency against tankyrase 1, isoenzyme selectivity, and wnt signaling inhibition...

    产品型号:T3168 原产地:中国大陆价格:面议

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