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  • 地址:上海市静安区江场三路238号8楼
  • 联系人:邵小姐
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  • EGFR-IN-46;化合物 EGFR-IN-46EGFR-IN-46

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-46;化合物 EGFR-IN-46EGFR-IN-46

    产品简介:egfr-in-46 is a potent dual inhibitor of egfr (ic50: 20.17 nm) and fak (ic50: 14.25 nm) that significantly inhibits the growth of cancer cells and induces apopt..

    产品型号:T63431 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-33;化合物 EGFR-IN-33EGFR-IN-33

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-33;化合物 EGFR-IN-33EGFR-IN-33

    产品简介:egfr-in-33, an acrylamide derivative, is a low-toxicity antitumor agent and a potent inhibitor of egfr. among others, overexpression and mutation of the epiderm..

    产品型号:T63264 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-36;化合物 EGFR-IN-36EGFR-IN-36

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-36;化合物 EGFR-IN-36EGFR-IN-36

    产品简介:egfr-in-36 is a potent inhibitor of egfr, capable of acting on egfr (wt) (ic50: 19.09 nm), her2 (wt) (ic50: 120.01 nm), her2 (a775_g776insyvma) (ic50: 2.35 nm)...

    产品型号:T63265 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-35;化合物 EGFR-IN-35EGFR-IN-35

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-35;化合物 EGFR-IN-35EGFR-IN-35

    产品简介:egfr-in-35 is a low-toxicity, acrylamide derivative antitumor agent that is a potent inhibitor of egfr. among others, overexpression and mutation of the epiderm..

    产品型号:T63282 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-38;化合物 EGFR-IN-38EGFR-IN-38

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-38;化合物 EGFR-IN-38EGFR-IN-38

    产品简介:egfr-in-38 is a low-toxicity, acrylamide derivative antitumor agent that is a potent inhibitor of egfr. among others, overexpression and mutation of the epiderm..

    产品型号:T63283 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0


    产品名称: EGFR/HER2/TS-IN-1;化合物 EGFR/HER2/TS-IN-1EGFR/HER2/TS-IN-1

    产品简介:egfr/her2/ts-in-1 are egfr, her2 and ts (thymidylate synthase) inhibitors with ic50 values of 0.203, 0.088 and 0.168 μm, respectively, and have the ability to i..

    产品型号:T63401 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-39;化合物 EGFR-IN-39EGFR-IN-39

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-39;化合物 EGFR-IN-39EGFR-IN-39

    产品简介:egfr-in-39, an acrylamide derivative, is a potent inhibitor of egfr. egfr-in-39 is an antitumor agent with low toxicity and side effects. among them, the overex..

    产品型号:T63178 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-47;化合物 EGFR-IN-47EGFR-IN-47

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-47;化合物 EGFR-IN-47EGFR-IN-47

    产品简介:egfr-in-47 is a potent, orally active inhibitor of egfrl858r/t790m/c797s (ic50: 0.01 μm). egfr-in-47 is capable of blocking the cell cycle and inducing apoptosi..

    产品型号:T63185 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0



    产品简介:egfr/braf-in-1, a 2,3-dihydropyrazino[1,2-a]indole-1,4-dione derivative, is a potent inhibitor of egfr/braf, inhibiting brafv600e (ic50:45 nm) and cancer cell p..

    产品型号:T63189 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0


    产品名称: EGFR/HER2-IN-8;化合物 EGFR/HER2-IN-8EGFR/HER2-IN-8

    产品简介:egfr/her2-in-8 (compound 34) is an inhibitor of egfr/her2 and dhfr with ic50 values of 0.45, 0.244 and 5.669 μm for egfr, her2 and dhfr, respectively. egfr/her2..

    产品型号:T60938 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-49;化合物 EGFR-IN-49EGFR-IN-49

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-49;化合物 EGFR-IN-49EGFR-IN-49

    产品简介:egfr-in-49 is a potent and selective egfr inhibitor that acts on egfrt790m (ic50: 65.0 nm) and egfrt790m/l858r (ic50: 13.6 nm). egfr-in-49 induces apoptosis in ..

    产品型号:T62113 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-45;化合物 EGFR-IN-45EGFR-IN-45

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-45;化合物 EGFR-IN-45EGFR-IN-45

    产品简介:egfr-in-45 is a potent pan-inhibitor of the epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr), acting on egfr (ic50: 0.4 μm) and cdk2 (ic50: 1.6 μm). egfr-in-45 also inhi..

    产品型号:T63070 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0


    产品名称: EGFR/HER2/CDK9-IN-3;化合物 EGFR/HER2/CDK9-IN-3EGFR/HER2/CDK9-IN-3

    产品简介:egfr/her2/cdk9-in-3 (compound 10) is a potent inhibitor of egfr (ic50:191.08 nm), her2 (ic50:132.65 nm), and cdk9 (ic50:113.98 nm). egfr/her2/cdk9-in-3 showed s..

    产品型号:T63161 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-17;化合物 EGFR-IN-17EGFR-IN-17

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-17;化合物 EGFR-IN-17EGFR-IN-17

    产品简介:egfr-in-17 is a potent and selective epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr) inhibitor with an ic50 value of 0.0002 μm and can be used to overcome c797s-mediate..

    产品型号:T64020 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-18;化合物 EGFR-IN-18EGFR-IN-18

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-18;化合物 EGFR-IN-18EGFR-IN-18

    产品简介:egfr-in-18 is a potent inhibitor of the enzymatic activity of the l858r/t790m/c797s mutant egfr (4.9 nm) and is also able to reduce the enzymatic activity of wi..

    产品型号:T64170 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0


    产品名称: EGFR/CSC-IN-1;化合物 EGFR/CSC-IN-1EGFR/CSC-IN-1

    产品简介:egfr/csc-in-1 is a dual inhibitor targeting both the epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr [ic50 10.52 nm]) and cancer stem cells (csc), with potential applica..

    产品型号:T73995 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • PROTAC PARP/EGFR ligand 1;化合物 PROTAC PARP/EGFR ligand 1PROTAC PARP/EGFR ligand 1

    产品名称: PROTAC PARP/EGFR ligand 1;化合物 PROTAC PARP/EGFR ligand 1PROTAC PARP/EGFR ligand 1

    产品简介:protac parp/egfr ligand 1 is a potent compound utilized in the creation of dual parp-egfr degraders through proteolytic targeting chimera (protac) technology [1..

    产品型号:T74173 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR-IN-22;化合物 EGFR-IN-22EGFR-IN-22

    产品名称: EGFR-IN-22;化合物 EGFR-IN-22EGFR-IN-22

    产品简介:egfr-in-22 is a highly effective inhibitor targeting wild type egfr and its mutant form, egfr l858r/t790m/c797s, displaying ic50 values of 4.91 nm and 0.54 nm, ..

    产品型号:T74215 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • PROTAC EGFR degrader 7;化合物 PROTAC EGFR degrader 7PROTAC EGFR degrader 7

    产品名称: PROTAC EGFR degrader 7;化合物 PROTAC EGFR degrader 7PROTAC EGFR degrader 7

    产品简介:protac egfr degrader 7 (compound 13b) is a potent, selective crbn-recruiting agent targeting egfr l858r/t790m mutations with a dc50 of 13.2 nm. it effectively i..

    产品型号:T74623 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • EGFR T790M/L858R-IN-2;化合物 EGFR T790M/L858R-IN-2EGFR T790M/L858R-IN-2

    产品名称: EGFR T790M/L858R-IN-2;化合物 EGFR T790M/L858R-IN-2EGFR T790M/L858R-IN-2

    产品简介:egfrt790m/l858r-in-2 is a potent, selective inhibitor of egfrt790m/l858r, exhibiting ic50 values of 3.5 nm for egfrt790m/l858r and 1290 nm for egfr wt. this com..

    产品型号:T74833 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

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