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  • Bay 11-7085Bay 11-7085,BAY 11-7083,

    产品名称: Bay 11-7085Bay 11-7085,BAY 11-7083,

    产品简介:bay 11-7085 can irreversibly inhibit the iκbα phosphorylation induced by tnfα (ic50: 10 μm)...

    产品型号:T1934 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • RoniciclibRoniciclib,BAY 1000394,

    产品名称: RoniciclibRoniciclib,BAY 1000394,

    产品简介:roniciclib is an inhibitor of pan-cyclin dependent kinase (ic50s: 5-25 nm for cdk1, cdk2, cdk3, cdk4, cdk7, and cdk9)...

    产品型号:T16784 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • RogaratinibRogaratinib,BAY1163877,

    产品名称: RogaratinibRogaratinib,BAY1163877,

    产品简介:rogaratinib is an aberrant inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor receptor (fgfr). rogaratinib is as an orally available, selective and potent inhibitor of fgfr-..

    产品型号:T16781 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • BAY 11-7082BAY 11-7082,BAY 11-7821,

    产品名称: BAY 11-7082BAY 11-7082,BAY 11-7821,

    产品简介:bay 11-7082, a nf-κb inhibitor, inhibits tnfα-induced iκbα phosphorylation. bay 11-7082 inhibits ubiquitin-specific protease usp7 and usp21...

    产品型号:T1902 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CinaciguatCinaciguat,BAY 58-2667,

    产品名称: CinaciguatCinaciguat,BAY 58-2667,

    产品简介:cinaciguat (bay 58-2667) is the first of a new class of soluble guanylate cyclase (sgc) activators in clinical development for acute decompensated heart failure..

    产品型号:T1984 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • PritelivirPritelivir,AIC316,BAY 57-1293

    产品名称: PritelivirPritelivir,AIC316,BAY 57-1293

    产品简介:pritelivir (bay 57-1293) is a potent helicase-primase inhibitor with active against hsv-1 and hsv-2 (ic50: 20 nm)...

    产品型号:T2504 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • MolidustatMolidustat,BAY 85-3934,

    产品名称: MolidustatMolidustat,BAY 85-3934,

    产品简介:molidustat(bay-85-3934), an inhibitor of hypoxia-inducible factor (hif) prolyl hydroxylase (ph), stimulates erythropoietin (epo) production and the formation of..

    产品型号:T2652 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • RamatrobanRamatroban,BAY u3405,

    产品名称: RamatrobanRamatroban,BAY u3405,

    产品简介:ramatroban (bay u3405) is a thromboxane a(2) (txa(2)) antagonist marketed for allergic rhinitis. it has been used in trials studying the treatment of asthma...

    产品型号:T2396 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • BAY 87-2243BAY 87-2243

    产品名称: BAY 87-2243BAY 87-2243

    产品简介:bay 87-2243 is a potent and selective inhibitor of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (hif-1)...

    产品型号:T2488 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Suramin Sodium SaltSuramin Sodium Salt,BAY-205,NF-060

    产品名称: Suramin Sodium SaltSuramin Sodium Salt,BAY-205,NF-060

    产品简介:suramin sodium is a sodium salt form of suramin, a polysulphonated naphthylurea with potential antineoplastic activity. suramin blocks the binding of various gr..

    产品型号:T2160 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • NifurtimoxNifurtimox,BAY-2502,BAY-A-2502

    产品名称: NifurtimoxNifurtimox,BAY-2502,BAY-A-2502

    产品简介:nifurtimox is an antiprotozoal agent (ic50s = 9.91, 12.28, and 10.44 μm against taluahuén, lq, and brener strains of t. cruzi epimastigotes, respectively)...

    产品型号:T5325 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • BAY-8002BAY-8002,BAY8002,BAY 8002

    产品名称: BAY-8002BAY-8002,BAY8002,BAY 8002

    产品简介:bay-8002 is a potent dual mct1/2 inhibitor (ic50 values are 3, 8, and 12 nm at rat (c6), human (dld-1) and mouse (4t1) mct1 respectively)...

    产品型号:T5208 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • BAY-293BAY-293

    产品名称: BAY-293BAY-293

    产品简介:bay-293 is a potent, cell-active sos1 inhibitor that disrupts the kras-sos1 interaction (ic50: 21 nm)...

    产品型号:T5418 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Amikacin disulfateAmikacin disulfate,Amikacin sulfate,BAY-416651 sulfate

    产品名称: Amikacin disulfateAmikacin disulfate,Amikacin sulfate,BAY-416651 sulfate

    产品简介:amikacin sulfate(bay416651 sulfate) is a semi-synthetic aminoglycoside antibiotic derived from kanamycin a...

    产品型号:T6382 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • TelatinibTelatinib,Bay 57-9352,

    产品名称: TelatinibTelatinib,Bay 57-9352,

    产品简介:telatinib is an effective inhibitor of vegfr2/3, c-kit, and pdgfrα. the ic50s of telatinib forvegfr2/3, c-kit and pdgfrα are 6 nm/4 nm, 1 nm, and 15 nm, respect..

    产品型号:T6166 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CopanlisibCopanlisib,BAY 80-6946,

    产品名称: CopanlisibCopanlisib,BAY 80-6946,

    产品简介:copanlisib is a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (pi3k) inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity. copanlisib inhibits the activation of the pi3k signaling path..

    产品型号:T6322 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Bay-02752;化合物 T30297Bay-02752

    产品名称: Bay-02752;化合物 T30297Bay-02752

    产品简介:bay-02752 is a lipid lowering agent that has been shown in rats to inhibit the absorption of intestinal cholesterol...

    产品型号:T30297 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • BAY1143269;化合物 T30298BAY 1143269|||BAY-1143269;BAY 1143269|||BAY-1143269

    产品名称: BAY1143269;化合物 T30298BAY 1143269|||BAY-1143269;BAY 1143269|||BAY-1143269

    产品简介:bay1143269 is an orally effective mitogen-activated protein kinase-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 (mknk1) inhibitor with potential anti-tumor act..

    产品型号:T30298 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • BAY-27-9955;化合物 T30299BAY 279955|||BAY27-9955|||BAY-279955|||BAY 27-9955;BAY 279955|||BAY27-9955|||B

    产品名称: BAY-27-9955;化合物 T30299BAY 279955|||BAY27-9955|||BAY-279955|||BAY 27-9955;BAY 279955|||BAY27-9955|||B

    产品简介:bay-27-9955 is a glucagon receptor antagonist...

    产品型号:T30299 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • BAY-60-5521;化合物 T30300UNII-I0J230BJOO|||BAY 60-5521;UNII-I0J230BJOO|||BAY 60-5521

    产品名称: BAY-60-5521;化合物 T30300UNII-I0J230BJOO|||BAY 60-5521;UNII-I0J230BJOO|||BAY 60-5521

    产品简介:bay-60-5521 is an effective cholesterol ester transfer protein (cetp) inhibitor...

    产品型号:T30300 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

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