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  • 地址:上海市静安区江场三路238号8楼
  • 联系人:邵小姐
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  • 5Beta-Pregnane-3Alpha,20alpha-Diol5Beta-Pregnane-3Alpha,20alpha-Diol,Pregnandiol,

    产品名称: 5Beta-Pregnane-3Alpha,20alpha-Diol5Beta-Pregnane-3Alpha,20alpha-Diol,Pregnandiol,

    产品简介:5beta-pregnane-3alpha,20alpha-diol is an inactive metabolite of progesterone by reduction at c5, c3, and c20 position. pregnanediol has two hydroxyl groups, at ..

    产品型号:T1688 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • CUGCUG,3-Carboxyumbelliferyl-β-D-galactopyranoside,

    产品名称: CUGCUG,3-Carboxyumbelliferyl-β-D-galactopyranoside,

    产品简介:cug is a fluorogenic substrate (λex=386, λem=445 nm, ε=32k)...

    产品型号:T18937 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • 3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic anhydride3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic anhydride

    产品名称: 3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic anhydride3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic anhydride

    产品简介:3,6-dichlorotrimellitic anhydride is the key precursor that is used for preparing a variety of dichlorinated fluoresceins and rhodamines...

    产品型号:T18886 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • 3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic acid3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic acid

    产品名称: 3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic acid3,6-Dichlorotrimellitic acid

    产品简介:3,6-dichlorotrimellitic acid is the key precursor that is used for preparing a variety of dichlorinated fluoresceins and rhodamines...

    产品型号:T18885 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • AR-A014418AR-A014418,AR 014418,GSK 3β inhibitor VIII

    产品名称: AR-A014418AR-A014418,AR 014418,GSK 3β inhibitor VIII

    产品简介:ar-a014418 is an atp-competitive, and selective gsk3β inhibitor...

    产品型号:T1881 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • P7C3P7C3

    产品名称: P7C3P7C3

    产品简介:the p7c3 class of neuroprotective aminopropyl carbazoles has been shown to block neuronal cell death in models of neurodegeneration. we now show that p7c3 molec..

    产品型号:T1880 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • 3-Methyladenine3-Methyladenine,3-MA,NSC 66389

    产品名称: 3-Methyladenine3-Methyladenine,3-MA,NSC 66389

    产品简介:3-methyladenine (3-ma) is a selective pi3kv inhibitor, and the ic50s against ps34 and pi3kγ were 25/60 μm in hela cells, respectively...

    产品型号:T1879 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Tenovin-3Tenovin-3,Tenovin3,Tenovin 3

    产品名称: Tenovin-3Tenovin-3,Tenovin3,Tenovin 3

    产品简介:tenovin-3 is a p53 activator...

    产品型号:T1873 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • FLT3-IN-2FLT3-IN-2

    产品名称: FLT3-IN-2FLT3-IN-2

    产品简介:flt3-in-2 is an flt3 inhibitor (ic50<1 μm)...

    产品型号:T1938 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Glycerol 3-phosphateGlycerol 3-phosphate

    产品名称: Glycerol 3-phosphateGlycerol 3-phosphate

    产品简介:glycerol 3-phosphate is produced by the reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate by nadh formed during glycolysis of the cytoplasmic glycerol 3-phosphate dehydro..

    产品型号:T19343 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • GadoteridolGadoteridol,SQ-32692,Gd-HP-DO3A

    产品名称: GadoteridolGadoteridol,SQ-32692,Gd-HP-DO3A

    产品简介:gadoteridolused in the imaging of the central nervous system.??is a gadolinium-based mri contrast agent...

    产品型号:T19333 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Fluorescein DiacetateFluorescein Diacetate,3,6-Diacetoxyfluoran,Di-O-acetylfluorescein

    产品名称: Fluorescein DiacetateFluorescein Diacetate,3,6-Diacetoxyfluoran,Di-O-acetylfluorescein

    产品简介:?fluorescein diacetate can be used as a fluorogenic substrate for hgstp1-1.?fluorescein diacetate is a cell permeable esterase-substrate...

    产品型号:T19323 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Voxtalisib AnalogueVoxtalisib Analogue,PI3K-IN-1,Voxtalisib (SAR245409, XL765) Analogue

    产品名称: Voxtalisib AnalogueVoxtalisib Analogue,PI3K-IN-1,Voxtalisib (SAR245409, XL765) Analogue

    产品简介:voxtalisib (sar245409, xl765)analogue is a dual inhibitor of mtor/pi3k, mostly for p110γ ,also inhibits dna-pk and mtor...

    产品型号:T1826 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0


    产品名称: ICILINICILIN,AG-3-5,

    产品简介:icilin(ag 3-5) is a synthetic trpm8 ion channel super-agonist...

    产品型号:T1814 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Pyr6Pyr6,N-[4-[3,5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]phenyl]-3-fluoro-4-pyridinecarboxamide,

    产品名称: Pyr6Pyr6,N-[4-[3,5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]phenyl]-3-fluoro-4-pyridinecarboxamide,

    产品简介:pyr6 is a selective inhibitor of trpc3 (ic50: 0.49 um(ca2+ influx inhibition in thapsigargin depleted native rbl-2h3 cells))...

    产品型号:T16688 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Pyr3Pyr3

    产品名称: Pyr3Pyr3

    产品简介:pyr3 is a selective inhibitor of transient receptor potential canonical channel 3. it has an ic50 of 700 nm for the trpc3-mediated ca2+ influx...

    产品型号:T16687 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • MeglutolMeglutol,3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid,Dicrotalic acid

    产品名称: MeglutolMeglutol,3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid,Dicrotalic acid

    产品简介:meglutol is an antilipemic agent which lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, serum beta-lipoproteins and phospholipids. it acts by interfering with the enzymatic s..

    产品型号:T1664 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • DO3A tert-Butyl esterDO3A tert-Butyl ester,DO3A tert-butyl,DO3A-t-Bu-ester

    产品名称: DO3A tert-Butyl esterDO3A tert-Butyl ester,DO3A tert-butyl,DO3A-t-Bu-ester

    产品简介:dota tert-butyl ester is a phenyl derivative of cycloteramide; it can be directly nitrated; it is more convenient to add nitro after deprotection of lithium alu..

    产品型号:T19293 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • D,L-3-IndolylglycineD,L-3-Indolylglycine,α-Amino-1H-indole-3-acetic acid,

    产品名称: D,L-3-IndolylglycineD,L-3-Indolylglycine,α-Amino-1H-indole-3-acetic acid,

    产品简介:d, l-3-indolylglycine is an unnatural amino acid very similar to tryptophan, and its indole portion is directly connected to the α-position. target: d, l-3-indo..

    产品型号:T19258 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • Creatinine-D3Creatinine-D3,NSC13123-D3,

    产品名称: Creatinine-D3Creatinine-D3,NSC13123-D3,

    产品简介:creatinine-d3 is a deuterium-labeled creatinine which is a break-down product of creatine phosphate in muscle...

    产品型号:T19249 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

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