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  • ValifenalateIR-5885,Inhibitor,Valifenalate,inhibit,IR 5885,Bacterial

    产品名称: ValifenalateIR-5885,Inhibitor,Valifenalate,inhibit,IR 5885,Bacterial

    产品简介:valifenalate is antifungal agent, effective against various types of mildew..

    产品型号:T7420 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-783IR783,IR 783

    产品名称: IR-783IR783,IR 783

    产品简介:ir 783 is a heptamethine cyanine fluorescent probe for in vivo imaging of tumor cells. it displays excitation/emission maxima of 633/780 nm, respectively...

    产品型号:TD0106 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-780 IodideIR-780 碘化物;IR 780 iodide;IR780 iodide

    产品名称: IR-780 IodideIR-780 碘化物;IR 780 iodide;IR780 iodide

    产品简介:ir-780 iodide, a near‐infrared fluorescent dye, is used for the exclusive characterization of human cscs through the hif‐1α/glycolysis dependent mitochondrial t..

    产品型号:T20974 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-825IR825

    产品名称: IR-825IR825

    产品简介:ir-825 is a near-infrared dye. ir-825 nanoparticles showed ph-dependent fluorescence emission and excellent near-infrared irradiation of cancer cells targeted i..

    产品型号:T19652 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR415

    产品名称: IR415

    产品简介:ir415 selectively interacts with hepatitis b virus x protein (hbx, kd = 2 nm) and blocks hbv-mediated rnai suppression, reverses the inhibitory effect of hbx pr..

    产品型号:T11669 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • (S,S)-Valifenalate(S,S)-Valifenalate,(S,S)-IR5885,(S,S)-Valiphenal

    产品名称: (S,S)-Valifenalate(S,S)-Valifenalate,(S,S)-IR5885,(S,S)-Valiphenal

    产品简介:(s,s)-valifenalate is an acylamino acid fungicide and is used to control a wide range of fungi belonging to the class of oomycetes...

    产品型号:T13878 原产地:美洲价格: ¥0.0

  • BMS-262084;化合物 T30510BMS 262084|||I0IR71971G|||UNII-I0IR71971G|||CHEMBL71037;BMS 262084|||I0IR71971G

    产品名称: BMS-262084;化合物 T30510BMS 262084|||I0IR71971G|||UNII-I0IR71971G|||CHEMBL71037;BMS 262084|||I0IR71971G

    产品简介:bms-262084 is a potent selective β-lactam trypsin inhibitor with therapeutic potential in the treatment of asthma...

    产品型号:T30510 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Valifenalate;霜霉灭Valiphenal|||IR5885;霜霉灭|||Valiphenal|||IR5885

    产品名称: Valifenalate;霜霉灭Valiphenal|||IR5885;霜霉灭|||Valiphenal|||IR5885

    产品简介:valifenalate (ir5885) is antifungal agent, effective against various types of mildew..

    产品型号:T7420 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • MHI-148;化合物MHI-148IR-808;IR-808

    产品名称: MHI-148;化合物MHI-148IR-808;IR-808

    产品简介:mhi-148 is a tumor-targeting near-infrared heptamethylenecarbocyanine dye for the detection, diagnosis, and study of cancer.mhi-148 is taken up and accumulates ..

    产品型号:T77553 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR 813 tosylate;化合物 IR 813 tosylateIR 813 tosylate

    产品名称: IR 813 tosylate;化合物 IR 813 tosylateIR 813 tosylate

    产品简介:ir 813 tosylate is a near-infrared (nir) fluorescent dye with excitation and emission wavelengths of 815 nm and 840 nm, respectively, utilized for visualizing r..

    产品型号:T78458 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-251;化合物 IR-251IR-251

    产品名称: IR-251;化合物 IR-251IR-251

    产品简介:ir-251 is a mitochondrion-targeting near-infrared (nir) fluorescent probe that selectively accumulates in tumor cell mitochondria through organic anion transpor..

    产品型号:T79284 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-Crizotinib;化合物 IR-CrizotinibIR-Crizotinib

    产品名称: IR-Crizotinib;化合物 IR-CrizotinibIR-Crizotinib

    产品简介:ir-crizotinib is a conjugate of the near-infrared dye ir-786 and crizotinib, an nf-κb-inducing kinase (nik) inhibitor, with an ic50 of 3.381 μm for intracranial..

    产品型号:T82049 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-990;化合物 IR-990IR-990

    产品名称: IR-990;化合物 IR-990IR-990

    产品简介:ir-990, an activatable nir-ii fluorescent probe featuring an acceptor-π-acceptor (a-π-a) structure, enables real-time in vivo detection of hydrogen peroxide (h2..

    产品型号:T82052 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR808-TZ;化合物 IR808-TZIR808-TZ

    产品名称: IR808-TZ;化合物 IR808-TZIR808-TZ

    产品简介:ir808-tz is a potent brd4 bt-protac degrader with potential for use in designing bt-protacs that target additional proteins [1]...

    产品型号:T82053 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR820-PTX;化合物 IR820-PTXIR820-PTX

    产品名称: IR820-PTX;化合物 IR820-PTXIR820-PTX

    产品简介:ir820-ptx is a nanoparticle composed of ir-820 and paclitaxel that is highly permeable and tumor-targeting.ir820-ptx can be used for near-infrared fluorescence ..

    产品型号:T83638 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • (S,S)-Valifenalate化合物 T13878(S,S)-IR5885|||(S,S)-Valiphenal

    产品名称: (S,S)-Valifenalate化合物 T13878(S,S)-IR5885|||(S,S)-Valiphenal

    产品简介:(s,s)-valifenalate is an acylamino acid fungicide and is used to control a wide range of fungi belonging to the class of oomycetes...

    产品型号:T13878 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • Texasin;化合物 T24869IR2|||IR 2|||IR-2;IR2|||IR 2|||IR-2

    产品名称: Texasin;化合物 T24869IR2|||IR 2|||IR-2;IR2|||IR 2|||IR-2

    产品简介:texasin is a selective inhibitor of human leukocyte 5-lipoxygenase...

    产品型号:T24869 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-825;化合物IR-825IR-825

    产品名称: IR-825;化合物IR-825IR-825

    产品简介:ir-825 is a near-infrared dye. ir-825 nanoparticles showed ph-dependent fluorescence emission and excellent near-infrared irradiation of cancer cells targeted i..

    产品型号:T19652 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-820;化合物IR-820IR 820|||IR820|||New Indocyanine Green;IR 820|||IR820|||New Indocyanine Green

    产品名称: IR-820;化合物IR-820IR 820|||IR820|||New Indocyanine Green;IR 820|||IR820|||New Indocyanine Green

    产品简介:ir-820 (new indocyanine green) is a near-infrared dye with better stability, good color rendering, and excellent fluorescence penetration. ir-820 is an infrared..

    产品型号:T20870 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

  • IR-780 Iodide;IR-780 碘化物IR 780 iodide;IR 780 iodide|||IR-780 碘化物

    产品名称: IR-780 Iodide;IR-780 碘化物IR 780 iodide;IR 780 iodide|||IR-780 碘化物

    产品简介:ir-780 iodide (ir 780 iodide), a near‐infrared fluorescent dye, is used for the exclusive characterization of human cscs through the hif‐1α/glycolysis dependent..

    产品型号:T20974 原产地:中国大陆价格: ¥0.0

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